Trinity's BLOG

Wecome to Trinity Lutheran's Blogspot. This is a photo diary of unique events, life and ministry of the people of God at Trinity in Moorhead, MN. Enjoy the pictures and stories. Celebrate how God is calling members of Trinity into service. Please feel free to e-mail your photos and stories to Terrie. You will find a link to her e-mail address on the homepage of the BLOG. ENJOY!!!!


For questions or comments on Trinity's Blogspot, contact Terrie Wold

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Raising inside walls



Curt Cavalier

Habitat & Thrivent Leaders

Hospitality folk


Creating outer walls

Raising the exterior walls

Building walls

Beginning work

Homeowner Sabah with volunteers Shawn & Amanda Bagne

Trinity Champion- David Barth

Day One of Blitz

Volunteers signing in.

Laying out walls in the rain


Thrivent Sponsor

Concrete contractor

Iverson's at build site

Habitat Foundation

Trinity's Habitat home 2007- 601 20th Street South, Moorhead, MN

Friday, March 24, 2006

Break time

Break time, originally uploaded by tewold.


Messages, originally uploaded by tewold.

Messages from volunteers to the Katrina victims.


Cemeteries, originally uploaded by tewold.

Almost all cemeteries in New Orleans are built above ground. All family members are entombed in one large vault.

Grace Lutheran Church

Grace Lutheran Church, originally uploaded by tewold.

Carson Walker in Grace Lutheran Church which was totally flooded out. The Concordia group last fall gutted it and cleaned it out so it can be rebuilt (in progress at this time). Carson is pointing to the high water mark.

Salvageable Houses

Salvageable Houses, originally uploaded by tewold.

More views of homes.

St. Bernard Parish

St. Bernard Parish, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here are some houses that didn't survive the onslaught of the storm surges. It is in St. Bernard Parish, the hardest hit area around New Orleans. The levee had been built to hold back 20 foot waves and Katrina produced 30 foot waves. So many homes in this area were wiped out. However, several blocks away from the levees, the majority of the homes are salvageable. We worked for two 1/2 days in one such home.

Stella's debris

Stella's debris, originally uploaded by tewold.

Look familiar- anyone who went through the famous flood of 1997 will recall sites like this- tough memories!

Stella's home

Stella's home, originally uploaded by tewold.

When the yard crew finished their work they went to Stella's home to help her finish cleaning out damaged plaster and nails.

Women's Dorm

Women's Dorm, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here are some views of the adult female team members sleeping quarters at Hosanna Lutheran Church in Louisiana.

The Yard Team

The Yard Team, originally uploaded by tewold.

Check out the yard clean-up crew- how many faces do you recognize?

More yard photos

More yard photos, originally uploaded by tewold.