Trinity's BLOG

Wecome to Trinity Lutheran's Blogspot. This is a photo diary of unique events, life and ministry of the people of God at Trinity in Moorhead, MN. Enjoy the pictures and stories. Celebrate how God is calling members of Trinity into service. Please feel free to e-mail your photos and stories to Terrie. You will find a link to her e-mail address on the homepage of the BLOG. ENJOY!!!!


For questions or comments on Trinity's Blogspot, contact Terrie Wold

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Excavation Trinity Site

Excavation Trinity Site, originally uploaded by tewold.

We are on the move- Trinity's habitat site has been excavated- YEH!!! Now we need electricity to the work site. Any suggestions?

Site Excavation #2

Site Excavation #2, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is another view of the Trinity site after excavation. Stay tuned.

Day #1 House #1

Day #1 House #1, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is another view of what was accomplished by Hope Lutheran on the first day of their "Blitz" build, Saturday, June 25th.

Construction Foreman

Construction Foreman, originally uploaded by tewold.

Gary Brekke, the Habitat construction foreman is on the left. He is with Ron, from Hope Lutheran. This was taken after their first day on Hope's "Blitz" build. In the background is the house in Fargo. See what they got done from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday. WOW!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Floor Plan for Habitat home

Floor Plan for Habitat home, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is the floor plan for the Habitat house. Review and ponder what it will look like when done.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Trinity's Habitat Banner Crew

Trinity's Habitat Banner Crew, originally uploaded by tewold.

Recognize some Trinity folk? This group of supporters gathered at the airport to watch Pastor Heidi skydive. The jump crew did not charge her for this experience to allow those funds to be donated to Trinity's Habitat Project. Great Kick-off event. Thanks Pastor Heidi!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Where is House #2?

Where is House #2?, originally uploaded by tewold.

Does this look familiar? Having a hard time finding House #2- Trinity Lutheran's Habitat home? Wonder no more- you can find it in North Moorhead-11th street and 10th Ave. North. Right across the street from Roger Asp Elementary School.

Where is House #1?

Where is House #1?, originally uploaded by tewold.

Do you find yourself wandering around Fargo/Moorhead searching for the Habitat homes? As interest grows many are wondering. House #1 is Hope Lutheran's home in Fargo- 1101 South University. (this group is actually at the ariport watching Pastor Heidi jump from a plane)

June 19th

June 19th, originally uploaded by tewold.

To keep the house warmer, an inch and a half of foam insulation is applied to the foundation. Then sand is backfilled against the house, to provide ready passage down into the ground for rain which falls near the house.

Concrete Mushroom

Concrete Mushroom, originally uploaded by tewold.

Regarding the concrete mushroom picture: Looks like no one was interested in the big mushroom; it was dragged out of the way to make room for the sand around the foundation

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Neighborhood- northwest

Neighborhood- northwest, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is the view across the street to the northwest. Should be a great neighborhood with a school and residential area to live in.

Neighborhood- southwest

Neighborhood- southwest, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is a view of the neighborhood for Trinity's home looking to the soutwest.


School, originally uploaded by tewold.

Across the street from Trinity's build site is the Roger Asp Elementary School-isn't that perfect for a family with four children?

Trinity's Building Site

Trinity's Building Site, originally uploaded by tewold.

Trinity's building site for the Habitat home has been selected. It is in north Moorhead, on the corner of 11th Street and 10th Ave. North. We have a family with four children. More news about the family will come soon. Our build has been moved up by a month- tentative date for the "BLITZ" is Saturday, July 23rd. Stay tuned!!!


Insulation, originally uploaded by tewold.

The yellow border around the cement foundation is insulation. Note how they have built up the dirt around the foundation. Hope's "Blitz" build is set to begin next Saturday, the 25th of June. Stop by and check it out. Think about offering your help or pick up tips for Trinity's build. THANKS!!!


Mushroom, originally uploaded by tewold.

Remember the mushroom we pointed out? Here it is upside down with other debrie from the lot. Pretty dramatic in size!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Front end of the foundation

Front end of the foundation, originally uploaded by tewold.

Once the forms are removed and the concrete cures, the house can be built. Notice the little metal studs sticking up all around the edge of the foundation. These will anchor the "plates", that is, the boards laid flat to support the outer walls of the house.
In the foreground is an enormous mushroom which was unearthed during the excavation of the site. It's apparently not edible. What do you think can be done with it?

June 8 braces

June 8 braces, originally uploaded by tewold.

Before the concrete is poured, a frame is put up all around to give shape to the foundation

June 8 details

June 8 details, originally uploaded by tewold.

Note how the concrete is "reinforced" by laying down a frame of iron rods on top of the sand base. The concrete will cover the rods completely, and the rods will keep the concrete from developing cracks.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Dog, originally uploaded by tewold.

This very large dog was not sure I should be there taking pictures. He is a good guardian/protector. He lives next door to the West of the building site.

Neighborhood East

Neighborhood East, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is the home across the street from Hope's Habitat house. Looks like the family will have a cozy environment to live in.


Neighborhood, originally uploaded by tewold.

Hope Lutheran's Habitat home is in a beautiful old neighborhood. Here is a view down University Ave. in front of the home.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

June 6th

June 6th, originally uploaded by tewold.

What with the heavy rain of last Friday, it's not surprising that no further work on the foundations has been done.

June 3rd

June 3rd, originally uploaded by tewold.

Now the foundation is started. Notice how boards have been put up at the corners, to contain what will be the foundation. What do you think it will be--poured concrete? Concrete blocks?

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Foundation, originally uploaded by tewold.

June 2 Any house needs a foundation. But before the foundation can be built, the soil must be right. A crew scooped out enough clay to put in a sewer line, and then backfilled up to grade with sand, then tamped that sand down.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by tewold.

June 2 A closeup of the sewer line. What do you think the thick copper pipe is for?