Trinity's BLOG

Wecome to Trinity Lutheran's Blogspot. This is a photo diary of unique events, life and ministry of the people of God at Trinity in Moorhead, MN. Enjoy the pictures and stories. Celebrate how God is calling members of Trinity into service. Please feel free to e-mail your photos and stories to Terrie. You will find a link to her e-mail address on the homepage of the BLOG. ENJOY!!!!


For questions or comments on Trinity's Blogspot, contact Terrie Wold

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Abdulla girls

Abdullah girls, originally uploaded by tewold.

Faris brought his two girls for lunch and to help work for the afternoon. They were delightful to be around and eager to help. Here they are posing in front of their huge living room window. Thanks Noorman and Nariman. Note they both got haircuts- pretty cute girls!! The afternoon treat was dilly bars- what a hit!!! THANKS Heather!!!

More roof work

More roof work, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here are more views of volunteers on the roof. It got mighty HOT up there. Water bottles were sent up to keep workers refreshed. Note- even Pastor Steve changed into work clothes and went up on the roof to help. THANKS to ALL!!!!


Redmonds, originally uploaded by tewold.

Gene and his daughter Sydney biked over after lunch to volunteer. THANKS!! Sydney plans to use some of her time as service work for confirmation. Gene hopes to return tomorrow to help shingle if his schedule allows.

Hope's Habitat family

Hope's Habitat family, originally uploaded by tewold.

The family that will be moving into Hope's Habitat house in Fargo joined us for lunch and then worked all afternoon to put in some of their 500 hours. They are from Nigeria and Faris and Ola work at the same glass factory but do not know each other. Thanks go to Margaret and Ola. Their 6 year old son Ola II rested in Cavalier's chair with the umbrella and try to stay cool.

Lunch Day 2

Lunch Day 2, originally uploaded by tewold.

Well Trinity knows how to offer food- and it was GOOD!!! Zozan made a WONDERFUL rice dish to share at lunch along with diced tomatoes relish type salad. The group served beef sandwiches which were very tasty, baked beans and a pasta salad that David Johnson, new chef at the Doublewood Inn & Terrie Wold's brother-in-law donated. Thanks Dave- it was enjoyed by all.

Sunday visitors

Sunday visitors, originally uploaded by tewold.

Many Trinity members dropped by on Sunday to offer their support- WOW- what a gift and blessing that was- THANKS folks- it means a lot!! Some drove by, others stoppd to visit.

Sunday worship

Sunday worship, originally uploaded by tewold.

Thanks go to Pastor Ray Siegle and Angie Schulz for leading worship at the worksite. The crew got to hear the text for the day, reflect on the scripture and God's presence in the midst of their service project for Habitat, relax on the lawn and get renewed. What a blessing!! Angie blessed us with a song that Jay Beech found- by Marty Haugen written for Habitat- great words and music!!!

More roof work

More roof work, originally uploaded by tewold.

There were many steps to completing the roof and house frame. The crew was eager and energetic and appreciated the cooler morning weather.

Final roof truss

Final roof truss, originally uploaded by tewold.

Note how much thicker and sturdy the final truss is as compared to the others. Any idea WHY? I am told it is because of the Northwest Winds in this part of the country. This truss was placed on the west end of the house. It was extremely heavy and took many workers to carry it to it's final resting place.

Securing the inside framing

Securing the inside framing, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is the Lillehaugen family nailing the 2x4's for door and closet frames

Inside view

Inside view, originally uploaded by tewold.

The roof trusses had to be secured on the inside also. It appears like quite a maze doesn't it?

Raising the roof

Raising the roof, originally uploaded by tewold.

This was definitely a team effort which began at 8:30 am. The sky was cloudy so it stayed cool for much of the mornings work- Thank you GOD!!

Blitz Day 2- windows

Blitz Day 2- windows, originally uploaded by tewold.

The front door and all of the windows were set in place today.

Blitz Day 2

Blitz Day 2, originally uploaded by tewold.

How many men does it take to hang a front door? Here is the crew consulting and helping Faris hang his new front door.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


Roger, originally uploaded by tewold.

Roger is a long-time Habitat volunteer. He has traveled all over the country doing Habitat projects. He ran the table saw all afternoon as volunteers measured for boards to top off the walls and finish their interior walls. Roger was a real pro!!! THANKS!!!

Picnic Table

Picnic Table, originally uploaded by tewold.

A picnic table was made for the workers and family- apparently this is a Lake Agassiz Habitat tradition.

Wrapping the house

Wrapping the house, originally uploaded by tewold.

Well it is 3:00 pm and Day One of the "Blitz" is wrapping up. The house was wrapped in this barrier sheathing stapled to the walls. It is ready for siding- way to go crew!!! What a GREAT DAY this was!!


Faris, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is Faris Abdullah working with volunteers. They were putting counterforce on an exterior wall while workers inside were assessing for the wall to be level and plum before securing it. Faris is required to work 500 hours for Habitat as part of his loan repayment.

Lunch break

Lunch break, originally uploaded by tewold.

Look at this impressive work crew taking a break in the shade of the school. Sloppy Joes were made plus pasta salad, fruit salad, chips, cookies and brownies.

Leveling the walls to make the house straight

Here the crew is assessing the straightness of the corner before securing with nails- there was a strong desire to have things done right- thanks for being desireous of quality craftmenship.

Cleaning up the work-site

Cleaning up the work-site, originally uploaded by tewold.

Thanks crew for helping to keep the worksite picked up. Here scrap lumber is being loaded into Harvey's vehicle. Another volunteeer came and picked up the garbage from the day to dispose of it. Volunteers even recycled their cans and cardboard. Way to GO!!!

Curt Cavalier

Curt Cavalier, originally uploaded by tewold.

Curt wanted proof that he was using a hammer- look pretty skilled up there Curt-thanks for your hard work and positive spirit!!

Skirting the foundation

Skirting the foundation, originally uploaded by tewold.

This efficient crew dug out around the foundation and added the metal skirting to cover the yellow foam board used to insulate the foundation. The vinyl siding will go over this part way. Dirt was shovled back into the trench dug out once the skirting was attached.

Blitz Day One- 11:30 am

Blitz Day One- 11:30 am, originally uploaded by tewold.

By 11:30 am the interior walls were going up. This project was a well oiled machine- very organized- with plenty of tools- making it easy for volunteers to contribute and stay busy. THANKS Gary for your gift of leadership!!!