Trinity's BLOG

Wecome to Trinity Lutheran's Blogspot. This is a photo diary of unique events, life and ministry of the people of God at Trinity in Moorhead, MN. Enjoy the pictures and stories. Celebrate how God is calling members of Trinity into service. Please feel free to e-mail your photos and stories to Terrie. You will find a link to her e-mail address on the homepage of the BLOG. ENJOY!!!!


For questions or comments on Trinity's Blogspot, contact Terrie Wold

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sparing Partners

Sparing Partners, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is Deb and Roger goofing around like sparing partners or knights in action. They are using scrap ends of the porch posts. It was GREAT to hear and see friendly laughter and teasing going on. Looks like fun!!!

Porch Railing

Porch Railing, originally uploaded by tewold.

Check out the crew installing a vinyl porch railing at the Hope House in Fargo. Looks like the perfect touch to complete the house outside. Aligning those rails looks a bit tricky guys! On the last picture Ron is tapping in plugs to cover the screws- nicely done Ron!!

Trinity Trio

Trinity Trio, originally uploaded by tewold.

Trinity had three wonderful volunteers go over to the Hope Habitat house in Fargo on Saturday to help out. Here is Pastor Jule, Jennifer & Allie. They painted the entire inside of the house- quite a HUGE job!!! Thanks for representing Trinity as gracious supportive servants.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Final view after sheetrocking

Final view after sheetrocking, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here are views of the living room, kitchen area, bedroom and bedroom closet after installing the sheet rock. I think we did a pretty good job- what do you think? Now we wait for the mudder and taper to complete his work, texture and paint the ceilings, prime the entire house and paint all the rooms except the bedrooms. The next project for Trinity will be painting the 4 bedrooms- hopefully giving them Abdulla family character.

Gary Brekke

Gary Brekke, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is Gary thoughtfully reflecting on the past 6 1/2 work days and visiting about our next steps. Thanks for your quiet, positive leadership, high skill level, caring passionate spirit for keeping habitat alive and well in this community and extreme patience Gary. You have been a blessing to us all.

Winding up the day

Winding up the day, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is Faris, Lois and Angie taking a break as they help clean up the house as we finish this phase of the project. What troopers you have all been. GOOD JOB!!!

Postal Worker Volunteers

Postal Worker Volunteers, originally uploaded by tewold.

Gladys Nelson, from Hope has volunteered almost every day of this project. She discovered she knew Clayton Smeltzer through their jobs with the post office. Gladys is a post mistress and Clayton drives a rural route of over 130 miles each day. It has been fun for us to have them be volunteeers. Appreciate you both!!

Stephanie Simonson

Stephanie Simonson, originally uploaded by tewold.

Good thing Stephanie is limber- this closet is small and she adapted quickly to make sure the screws got placed correctly. THANKS Steph. Stephanie is a friend of Gary Nolte's from Rotary and will be a freshman at MSUM this year. Thanks for coming to help Steph.

Gary trimming the grass

Gary trimming the grass, originally uploaded by tewold.

Observant Gary Nolte came equipped with his weed wacker today. He had noted that the grass was getting long along the fence and needed trimming. THANKS for seeing a need and taking action Gary!!! What a gift!


worship, originally uploaded by tewold.

We were blessed by Mark Nearland as our morning worship leader this morning. Perfect hymns, responsive readings, scripture and devotional Mark. What a gift it was to be reminded of God's presence in the center of this project. THANKS!!

Cheesy Pesto Bread

Cheesy Pesto Bread, originally uploaded by tewold.

Dorothy Schmidt baked some delicious "Cheesy Pesto Bread" this morning. What a treat. Irene Hogan brought fruit. With left over coffee cake from yesterday and coffee- we were in grand shape for refreshments. Here is the recipe:

1 prebaked Italian bread shell crust (14 ounces)

3 Tbsp. prepared pesto

1/8 tsp. garlic salt

1 cup (4 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese

1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese

Place crust on a pizza pan or baking sheet. Spread with pesto, sprinkle with garlic salt and cheeses. Bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes- until cheese is melted. Cut into wedges. Yield: 6-8 servings

Heather Davidson's family

Heather Davidson's family, originally uploaded by tewold.

Heather has been a great member and motivator on the planning team for this Habitat Project. Her family picked her up this morning for a family reunion. Dad worked yesterday morning- THANKS for your help!! By the way- don't they look related? HA!!


Angie, originally uploaded by tewold.

Angie pitched in right away this morning to finish the sheet rocking. She armed herself with a great tool apron and tools before learning to measure, score, pop and finish cutting the sheet rock. She told me "This is FUN!!" At the end of the day she admitted to Gary that she had been over zealous trying to secure a strip of sheetrock near a doorway and it crumbled on her. Here she bravely shows the spot. He reassured her it would never show.

Day 7

Day 7, originally uploaded by tewold.

Welcome Ron Holmquist from Bethesda Lutheran. Bethesda sent volunteers to work on the habitat project this weekend. Ron and Brian are shaving the sheet rock edge prior to installation. You can see the dust flying in the picture.

We had three hard workers from Bethesda yesterday- Dewey Possehl, Colleen Gibson and Casey Gibson (the MSUM football player who worked hard in the bathroom). Thanks for your support and hard work- we greatly appeciate it. Hope you had fun?

Diane Nelson & David Witham

Diane Nelson & David Witham, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here you see Diane and her boyfriend David cutting sheet rock. Diane called me this week and asked how and when she could volunteer. When she called back to confirm she said she convinced her boyfriend David to join her- way to go on recruitment Diane. Thanks for coming- it was fun to have you work with us.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Lois & Roger

Lois & Roger, originally uploaded by tewold.

Lois came equipped with her own powered screw driver that even lights up when in use- VERY IMPRESSIVE!! Here she and Roger are finishing the half/bath with some tricky cuts. As you can see voluntees were covered with afine coat of white dust from head to toe by the end of the day. Thanks for your energy and faithful hard work ethic Lois- You have been GREAT!!!


Angie, originally uploaded by tewold.

Angie continues to enjoy learning new construction skills and embracing every aspect of this unique project. We have been blessed by your positive wise leadership and contagious enthusiasm Angie. You are a gift. Here she is learning to "dimple" screws. Great picture of you and your very proud dad- Gary.

Angies friends

Angies friends, originally uploaded by tewold.

Three of Angies friends from her theatre work came to volunteer. She was so honored and surprised. We continue to get blessed by these types of surprises- THANKS!!

Choir friends

Choir friends, originally uploaded by tewold.

Terrie's choir friends Kirsten and Annie came to support her and Trinity in this project. It was such fun to have you come- WOW!!

Living room crew

Living room crew, originally uploaded by tewold.

The group of guys that worked in the living room were quite talented. Cuts around the light boxes and windows were very precise. Note the before and after pictures of the south wall with a high double window.


Lunch, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here are some shots of lunch. Zozan brought lamb and veggie patties today- YUM!!!! We also had great sandwiches, salads, chips and cookies. We are well cared for by Trinity volunteers. We APPRECIATE YOU!!

Closet guys

Closet guys, originally uploaded by tewold.

Wayne and Chris with the help of Pat later on worked in the north bedrooms. Here is Wayne cutting sheet rock in the hall way before carrying it into the room. Chris is in the closet attaching the sheet rock. it is amazing how many spots there are to cover when you build a room. By the way- Wayne rides his bike to the worksite- all the way from south Fargo. Oh if we were all so fit and healthy- huh?

Play room crew

Play room crew, originally uploaded by tewold.

The play room crew ended up being Kirsten, Annie, Faris & Clayton. They had a lot of fun and were pretty proud of what they got accomplished. There was a lot of fun conversation going on in the midst of work. THANKS CREW!!

Sheet rock

Sheet rock, originally uploaded by tewold.

The sheet rock was stacked in the hallway and living room/kitchen area. By the end of the day you can see there was not much left.

Coffee Break

Coffee Break, originally uploaded by tewold.

We were graced with a delicious fruit slush and fresh coffee cake this morning. Folks were mightily impressed and refreshed. THANKS!!

The lift

The lift, originally uploaded by tewold.

A special lift tool was used in the living room to raise the sheet rock into place on the cathedral ceiling. Ladders were still required to secure the screws. Here you see them placing the rock onto the support lift. Then it is hand cranked into place on the ceiling and secured. Note the yellow braces on the sheet rock from the lift. Quite a process!

Ceiling challenges

Ceiling challenges, originally uploaded by tewold.

The board in the shape of a "T" is called a "Dead Man". Guess what that is for? It actually is a very handy peice of equipment. Arms were stretched up holding heavy sheet rock much of the morning. Annie and Kirsten are actually standing on a wooden saw horse while they support the sheet rock.