Trinity's BLOG

Wecome to Trinity Lutheran's Blogspot. This is a photo diary of unique events, life and ministry of the people of God at Trinity in Moorhead, MN. Enjoy the pictures and stories. Celebrate how God is calling members of Trinity into service. Please feel free to e-mail your photos and stories to Terrie. You will find a link to her e-mail address on the homepage of the BLOG. ENJOY!!!!


For questions or comments on Trinity's Blogspot, contact Terrie Wold

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Porch railing

Porch railing, originally uploaded by tewold.

Final project of the day was installing the porch railing. What a great finishing touch this was for adding "curb appeal" to the home. Ron and Rich did a great job!!

Master bath

Master bath, originally uploaded by tewold.

After the walls got painted, we were able to install the medicine cabinets over each sink. The oval cabinet is for the half bath.

Gary's "Favorite Job"

Gary doing his "Favorite Job", originally uploaded by tewold.

Gary patiently hung the towel bars and toilet paper holders in each bathroom. He told me this is NOT one of his favorite tasks since it is so meticulous. Yet in spite of his lack of enjoyment for this task he did a GREAT job. THANKS Gary!! Zozan you picked out great stuff- you have excellent taste!


Lunch, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here are the students enjoying lunch break. What a GREAT group of volunteeers!! Thanks for wanting to help with this project! We appreciate you and look forward to future contacts.

Unpacking supplies

Unpacking supplies, originally uploaded by tewold.

Bi-fold doors for the washer/dryer area in the bathroom, vinyl blinds for the windows and supplies for the porch were delivered and in boxes in the living room. Students willingly unpacked the boxes to ease access for installation.


Bathrooms, originally uploaded by tewold.

Students painted the two bathrooms the same color as the hall and living room area. They were very careful to tape the trim and lay down drop cloths. Good work guys. THANKS!!

Touch-up paint

Touch-up paint, originally uploaded by tewold.

The next big task was carefully examining the walls and ceilings in every room for areas where paint needed to be touched up. The living room light was not very bright so they used a flood light to help with their assessment.


Varnishing, originally uploaded by tewold.

This Saturday was a busy day. A group of about 20 students from the Newman Center at MSUM showed up to work. Varnishing the windows was one of the first morning tasks. The students came with energy and positive attitudes- THANKS!!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Master bath cabinets

Master bath cabinets, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is the cabinet in the master bath. Pretty sharp Dale. The family is so blessed to have such nice touches in their new home. Thanks Dale.

Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen Cabinets, originally uploaded by tewold.

Dale Wendt made the kitchen and bathroom cabinets for the house. Aren't they impressive? Thanks for doing such a wonderful job Dale- you are truly gifted!!

Flower Border

Flower Border, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is a close-up of the flower border in the girl's room. It ties the pink and purple together to finish off the room with a flare. What do you think?

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Cleaning, originally uploaded by tewold.

Cleaning is a huge part of this project. Here is Angie vacumming up debris on the padding and floor before the carpet is laid.

Laundry room

Laundry room, originally uploaded by tewold.

The master bathroom has a closet area for the washer and dryer. Here is the crew installing a shelf for laundry and cleaning supplies over the washer and dryer. They are assessing if they got the shelf at the right hieght or not-what do you think?

Stove & Fridge

Stove & Fridge, originally uploaded by tewold.

After the vinyl flooring got layed they moved the stove and fridge into the kitchen. Whirlpool donates a stove and fridge to every Habitat house built in the U.S. What a gift!!

NDSU student

NDSU student, originally uploaded by tewold.

We have been blessed throughout this project by college students who show up to help out. Here is an NDSU student, Dane Kinney with Angie in the background. THANKS for wanting to help out- it is a joy to have you join us Dane.

Lunch Break

Lunch Break, originally uploaded by tewold.

Angie and Chuck are taking a break. Looks like tasty coffee Angie.

Lunch Break

Lunch Break, originally uploaded by tewold.

The Adulla girl's helped Dorothy serve lunch to the work crew- they were great hostesses. Stewart appears to be enjoying his encounter as well as the food. Thanks girls

Girls room

Girls room, originally uploaded by tewold.

Wade Swenson and Dane Kinney worked tirelessly on the padding in the girl's pink & purple room. Thanks


Floor padding

Floor padding, originally uploaded by tewold.

A big part of the flooring task was to lay the padding down for the carpet. Kevin Bakke had volunteered his services for laying the flooring. He does this professionally. He brought some crew members along and they focused on laying the vinyl flooring first. He had installed the tack strip for the carpeting the week prior so our volunteers could help install the padding. Here you see Shawn McCarthy, Ron, and Steven Aabye in the doorway. Above is Stewart Herman working with the padding. How do you like the truck border?

Window entrance

Window entrance, originally uploaded by tewold.

Due to the flooring being installed at times volunteeers had to crawl through the window to get into the house. For some of us it was more of a challenge than others.

Coffee Break

Coffee Break, originally uploaded by tewold.

Coffee break is a huge part of each work day- it gives volunteers a time to relax, get refreshed, and have great conversation. Left to right- Ron, Chuck and Gary. Above is Gary and Angie. Note the bikes in the background- a few volunteers ride their bike to the site for working- pretty impressive I would say- GO HEALTH!

Staining windows

Gail, originally uploaded by tewold.

On Saturday, September 17th, Gail Swenson and Angie McCarthy volunteered to stain the windows of the house. The trim was prestained so just the window itself had to be stained. Gail is removing the hardware on the window to ease the staining process. They worked as a team with one staining from inside the house and the other outside. They did an excellent job on a fussy precise task. THANKS!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Matt and Wayne

Matt and Wayne, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is Matt visiting with Wayne, one of Gary's loyal volunteers for Habitat. Wayne is another gifted, patient leader when he works with volunteers. He makes their experience productive, fun and rewarding. Thanks for sharing your gifts with our Trinity volunteers Wayne.


Ron, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is Ron with Diane in the background. Ron is a familiar face to you by this time. He is Gary's right hand man when working on these Habitat projects. Ron goes to Hope Lutheran. He is pretty patient with the volunteers and has a gift of directing folks to various projects to stay involved. Thanks for your leadership Ron!!

Bob & Mark

Bob & Mark, originally uploaded by tewold.

Robert Cobb and Mark McGaughey worked as a team most of the day. I hear they had great conversation and worked well together. Fellowship and teamwork is one of the gifts of this project!!

Diane Glumich

Diane Glumich, originally uploaded by tewold.

Diane volunteered to cut out the electrical boxes for the light switches. They were filled in with "mud" and irregular sheet rock edges from finishing the walls. She did a wonderful precise job- getting the boxes ready for the electricians to finish their work. Thanks Diane!!

Break time

Break time, originally uploaded by tewold.

Dorothy and Becky set up morning break in the kitchen dining room area- since it was rather muddy outside. How fun that was!! Heere is Dorothy with Kerry and Kyle from MSUM. As you can see Dorothy treated us very well with donut holes and fruit slush. The slush has become our refreshing favorite treat for all of the workers!! Ryan looks like he is enjoying the slush. Thanks Dorothy.


Closets, originally uploaded by tewold.

The work crew not only installed the closet doors- they also hung the closet shelves and rods for hanging clothes. This took a lot of precise measuring and cutting.


Mark, originally uploaded by tewold.

My son-in-law Mark McGaughey (Ethan's dad) came down from Grand Forks with his tools and expertise to help with the trim work. What a gift that was to the work day. We needed skilled volunteers who could work with those less skilled. Mark you were great and folks enjoyed getting to know you. They were also impressed with your people skills and constructions skills. THANKS!!!!

MSUM habitat students

MSUM habitat students, originally uploaded by tewold.

We had three MSUM students who are on the Habitat committe join us towork on Saturday. Here is Kyle Daily and Kerry Plath working with Rich. It was such a delight to have them work with us. They want to do a project in the spring with more students- so we are going to let them do the landscaping on the house since it is getting too late to plant anything this fall. The construction foreman was very impressed with you Kyle and appreciative of your good work. THANKS!!!


Faris, originally uploaded by tewold.

Here is the homeowner Faris sweeping the floors. I took this picture so his wife Zozan could see him working. Yes you are a hard worker Faris and we appreciate you much!!


Hanging doors, originally uploaded by tewold.

A big part of Saturday's work was hanging doors for the bedrooms, bathrooms, and closets and putting up the trim. As you can see we cut mitered corners instead of using the easy block corner method. Here is Gary and Chuck fine tuning the trim over the door to the boy's bedroom.