Trinity's BLOG

Wecome to Trinity Lutheran's Blogspot. This is a photo diary of unique events, life and ministry of the people of God at Trinity in Moorhead, MN. Enjoy the pictures and stories. Celebrate how God is calling members of Trinity into service. Please feel free to e-mail your photos and stories to Terrie. You will find a link to her e-mail address on the homepage of the BLOG. ENJOY!!!!


For questions or comments on Trinity's Blogspot, contact Terrie Wold

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

MSUM habitat students

MSUM habitat students, originally uploaded by tewold.

We had three MSUM students who are on the Habitat committe join us towork on Saturday. Here is Kyle Daily and Kerry Plath working with Rich. It was such a delight to have them work with us. They want to do a project in the spring with more students- so we are going to let them do the landscaping on the house since it is getting too late to plant anything this fall. The construction foreman was very impressed with you Kyle and appreciative of your good work. THANKS!!!